Gay Gym Shower Stories

11,053 results
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Pillow Talk

by Araddion on Aug 31, 2017
Gay Male

(sound of boots on gritty pavement) You look worried. Don't be. Yeah, I'm queer enough for ya. You look nice. How old are you? Really. You look younger. (laughter) Well, I still ain't breakin' the law. The temptation's there, know what I mean? How much? I can swing a hundred. Yep. My wedding ring. Nope, not divorced. Not divorced. Don't want to get divo...


by HandsThroughHair on Sep 14, 2017
Gay Male

The British summer air was cool and crisp. Charlie inhaled deeply and sighed as he breathed out; opening his eyes he drank in the piercing blue sky. A smile carved its way across his face, only Charlie knew about this place buried in the woods. He had stumbled across this haven when he lost his way jogging as a teenager. The first time he found this place he...

Plotting a Course Ch. 13

by VaRiverWriter on Sep 25, 2017
Gay Male

Chapter 13: Empty Handed Football season had come and gone, but Rob still worked out every morning to stay in shape. He had decided that he was going to major in Kinesiology. This semester he was taking Anatomy, which was consuming a majority of his time. I tried to help him study, but he said I was a distraction, a good distraction, but a distraction none-...

Jamie - The Journey Begins Ch. 02

by Hutchison12 on Apr 3, 2018
Gay Male

** Note to Readers** There is a confronting incident at Jamies work, which can upset some. ***** So I'm going on a holiday it seems. My mind was wondering back through the events of the past 48hrs - married, now divorced; sad, now happy; career kicked in the can, again... Argh!... Managing to get my ass reamed by the ex-father in law, just another opport...

Bend Where Possible

by PanzerFeck on Apr 17, 2018
Gay Male

All characters are 18 and over. They drink a lot, so they might also be British. I also wrote it high as fuck, so drop a line if you think I should do that more often. Work with me, people! ***** 1 The night city rolled by in glares and blurs. Golds and blues, and golds and blues. Streaking streetlight against the darkest of the small hours. That pleasant...

Mikey and the Chickadee Ch. 16

by kidboise on Apr 9, 2018
Gay Male

Mikey's hands covered his face after he propped himself up against the headboard the next morning. Out the window, his building cast a commanding shadow across the street and halfway up the next row of structures. Otherwise, the sun shone new and bright, completely unimpeded. "Oh, god," he said into his palms. "Last night. I can't believe we did that." He...

Cock-Sucker: Abducted

by tristantrotsky on Aug 31, 2017
Gay Male

Of course, insurgency abductions are serious. Not something to be treated lightly, or as titillation. Writing this I was deliberately referencing back to the counter-culture poets and anti-Vietnam agit-prop writers who used extreme satiric and purposefully obscene images to attack what they saw as unjust foreign policy. The title is a reference yet further b...

Bathhouse Heaven Ch. 19

by glory_first on Oct 11, 2017
Gay Male

The contrasts between visits can be striking. Sometimes, everything flows in glorious fun, and other times, one realizes just how much a role luck plays in the best visits. The memories from this visit are even hazier than normal, having spent easily more than an hour with my cock in several men's willing mouths, and at least a further half hour with a man'...

Loving Alex Storm Ch. 03

by MilkChocolateAmazon on Aug 31, 2017
Gay Male

Thank you everybody, once again for the feedback. Sorry this chapter has taken so long to be forthcoming but University is not as easy going as I'd expected. Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines! Anyways, here's the next chapter. Enjoy. * "Alex! Car! Stop goddamit! Stop!" Too late. The sickening crunch, the pool of blood, the crumpled form, those pleading...

Good Neighbor Ch. 04

by Ken Nitsua on Sep 14, 2017
Gay Male

Revised version copyright 2006 by the author. PART SEVEN: EXITS AND ENTRANCES Looking back, I only have myself to blame for how things turned out. I knew in my heart that those few days with Marsh were all I was going to get, but I couldn't help hoping for more. He was so open, so uninhibited in his passion, so willing to share his life and his son with me...