Gay Foot Fetish Toe Sucking Stories

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Settling Debts

by xxxsmooothxxx on Aug 31, 2017
Gay Male

"God damn it Jay! Where the fuck is my cash man!" Mitchell held Jay by the shoulders so the dining room chair balanced on two legs. "Shit. Take it easy. It's been two days! Give me till the weekend and if I don't pay you, you can come back and do more of this muscle head shit to me." Jay felt like he was about half the size of Mitchell. Jay was about 5'8"...

One Summer at Stevens Point Ch. 01

by Ken Nitsua on Sep 14, 2017
Gay Male

K. Nitsua. Revised version copyright 2006 by the author. The persistent beeping of an alarm threads its way into my consciousness. Slowly, reluctantly, I open my eyes to an unfamiliar light and unfamiliar surroundings. Where am I? In a moment my brain orients itself. The small travel clock on the dresser, which I only use here, reads six-thirty a.m. Despit...

The Fighter Ch. 06

by JaycobMatthews on Sep 14, 2017
Gay Male

The interview went well, Westley thought. He'd researched the clinic before stepping foot in Wisconsin, so he hopefully knew what they were looking for. And he thought he was a good fit there as well. He hopped into his car and grabbed his phone from the console. He dialed Christian. "Hey little man. How'd the interview go?" "Good. I think. You want to g...

Arena Stage Ch. 01

by sr71plt on Sep 14, 2017
Gay Male

All of the lions were present now. And, as I would have guess from his reputation, the king of the jungle was the last to arrive, swirling in with his cute-boy assistant trailing behind him, juggling all of the paraphernalia the "great man" traveled with. I gotta admit that I was disappointed that Creighton Masters lived up to his reputation on first look. I...

Xolt 2 Ch. 02

by Pallaton on Aug 31, 2017
Gay Male

~Brandon~ I was waiting in the park a block away from my house. This was where we promised to meet, and I was more than excited, but I was also very nervous. What I was about to do was very dangerous; I was going to meet a man I have never met in person for the first time. Outside, by myself at 9 PM...Not dangerous at all. I wore my nicest clothes, dark t...

Men-Only Sauna Club

by oversexedandlovenit on Aug 18, 2017
Gay Male

If you enjoyed my first "True" story then I'm sure you will enjoy this one, also a true Story, only happened yesterday. * * * * * I was having a relaxing day off from work, just sitting back and surfing the net, not anything in particular. Not until I decided to locate some nudist clubs around my area. After much searching without any luck, I stumbled upo...

For All the Love in Paris Ch. 03

by aucontrairecher on Sep 14, 2017
Gay Male

"Oh my...I thought you were a vampire!! I mean, I didn't rationally think that you were a vampire, but I had convinced myself that you are." He laughed quietly, then covered his rose-colored lips with a slender hand. I fought the urge to ask him to open his mouth again so I could hunt for unusually pointy teeth. He caught me looking at him, and his eyes gli...

Stress Relief

by markindy on Aug 18, 2017
Gay Male

+++++++++++++++++++ I know this story will seem implausible and stereotypical, but it actually did happen. I may embellish here-and-there to make for better reading, but it's largely a true account. ++++++++++++++++ I will readily admit that I may not be the most typical guy around when it comes to my sexuality. I'm happily married to a terrific lady who...

Gay Lovin' Gone Bad

by Ciceri on Aug 18, 2017
Gay Male

I have always been turned on by the lash or whip. Even when I was a teenager I wasn't so repelled by the idea of slavery merely because the whip was often used. Of course, slavery is bad. I knew there was an occasions when two or more consenting adults got together and used a whip. I just did not know when. I grew older and became aware of such occasions thr...

Introducing Brad

by Ganistaniro on Sep 14, 2017
Gay Male

Part 1 I found a way to get out of the house on a cold, snowy, day. It was the second day in a row I was stuck at home and I just needed to get out. I made up some lame excuse and headed out with nowhere to go; but, I did have a place in mind. I drove the sixteen miles to an ABS I had visited numerous times over the years (sometimes with my wife Sarah). Us...